Upload a comic





Thank you for helping out! We believe in the community, and allow anyone to contribute. If this feature is abused, we will have to restrict it. Please help us make this site even better by following the rules below carefully. If we repeatedly have to reject your suggestions, you will be prohibited from suggesting comics.

If you would like to follow your suggestion’s status, create an account! You can then follow updates in the “view your contributions” section above. Having a user will also earn you points in the scoreboard on the previous page. The more accurate the information you provide is, the higher your contribution score will be.

Before you begin: requirements


All uploaded pages uploaded must be publicly available. A comic with some of its pages exclusive to subscription services (eg. Patreon, Subscribestar) will be rejected.

The pages uploaded must be of the highest possible resolution that is publicly available. Resized and compressed pages, often found on third-party websites, we not be accepted. Please check the artist's public galleries (like FurAffinity) to ensure that the page resolution is correct.


Where did you find the comic's pages? Please provide a link to and/or description of the source. If the pages are on individual links, a link to one page is enough - we don't need one for every page.

If your answer is "google", or "on my computer", we will reject your upload, as it is harder for us to verify the page quality and availability (the "Checklist" checkboxes above).